Hyun Bin was named a sniper on shooting training

Hyun Bin was named a sniper at the shooting training which was held from March 28 to April 2. He scored full marks for shooting practice in the day and night. Of the 720 marine recruits, only 16, including Hyun Bin, qualified as snipers.

Hyun Bin's shots hit the target 19 times out of a total of 20 targets in the shooting practice during the day, and in the shooting practice at night, he made an outstanding achievement by successfully hitting all ten targets.

To qualify as a sniper, a marine recruit must be able to hit the target more than 18 times out of a total of 20 targets during shooting practice during the day, and in shooting practice at night, the marine recruit must be able to hit the target 9 times out of a total of 10 targets. .

Thanks to this feat, on April 15, Hyun Bin will receive a red badge, the color that marines wear on the battlefield, after undergoing extreme physical endurance training in the last week of training camp, where each would-be marine will walk tens of kilometers at full speed. and camp in the open plains.

These would-be marines will be stationed in units on Pohang, Gimpo, Baeknyeong, or Yeonpyeong island. These placements will be drawn openly with the help of computers this Friday.

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