Honeybees produce more honey than they need

Honeybees produce more honey than they need

Almost everyone knows that honey is an important food source for the human body, but very few humans are aware of the extraordinary properties of its producer, namely honey bees.

"And your Lord revealed to the bees, "Make nests in the hills, in the trees, and in places made by humans," then eat of every (kind of) fruit and follow the path of your Lord which has been made easy (for you).

From the belly of the bee comes drink (honey) of various colors, in it there is a healing medicine for humans. Verily in that is indeed a sign (of the greatness of God) for those who think ." (QS An-Nahl: 68-69)

As we know, the food source of bees is nectar, which is not found in winter. For this reason, bees mix the nectar they collect in the summer with a special fluid secreted by their bodies. This mixture produces a new nutritious substance- honey and stores it for the winter to come.

It is interesting to know that bees store much more honey than they actually do. The first question that comes to our mind is: why don't bees stop this overproduction, which seems like a complete waste of time and energy? The answer to this question is hidden in the word "revelation" which has been given to the bees, as mentioned in the verse above.

Bees produce honey not for themselves, but also for humans. Like other creatures in nature, bees are also devoted to the service of humans, just as a chicken lays at least one egg every day even though it doesn't need it and a cow that produces milk far exceeds the needs of its young.

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