Get to know the definition of AURA in someone

Aura can be interpreted as a visible source of vibration, which surrounds all living things, humans, animals, plants and all objects in nature emitting a certain amount of water vapor or smoke. Even inanimate objects emit aura. A person's mind, health, emotions and spirituality all unite to radiate energy, as a single entity called the Aura.

Basically the aura is a blueprint of the qualities of an active soul. Our talents, strengths and weaknesses are all arranged in the aura. In real life, we can hide our real character from others. In the aura, nothing can be hidden because our character will appear real. If we make a deviation, it will be recorded on the aura. and vice versa when doing good, good energy will be seen. Aura can also be called divine light or spiritual energy. unconsciously all living things absorb it.

Positive spiritual energy is energy that corresponds to divine values. Usually will cause bright and beautiful colors. Negative spiritual energy is spiritual energy that has been damaged because it is not in accordance with divine values, causing colors that are not bright or even dark. Aura is present in everyone. The most striking aspect of aura is its dynamic range of colors.

Our thoughts and feelings emit colors that indicate the quality of the thoughts or feelings that are expressed. When we change our emotions, the way we think and act, our aura changes too. Keep in mind that aura is also our spiritual light. There are 7 aura conductors (energy centers) or chakras in the human body, namely;

1. Crown chakra (white), located about 6 inches above the head.

2. Mental chakra / center (golden), is in the middle of the forehead.

3. Esophageal chakra (blue), precisely in the middle of the esophagus.

4. Hermetic/heart chakra (green), is in the center of the chest.

5. The spleen chakra (orange), is on the left side of the body, near the spleen.

6. The emotional chakra (pink), is just above the navel.

7. Chakra source / root (red), is above the back towards the tailbone.

Meaning of aura colors:

White in the aura is considered as one of the best colors, white means holy, which symbolizes divine light. The color of white crystals, which is the purest color of white, denotes the soul that has attained the highest attainment. This color symbolizes a perfect blend of strength, determination, fighting power and determination.

Gold is the color of wisdom, confidence, confidence and inner strength. This color is a very strong protective energy, if there is a gold color in the aura, we have a strong dynamic energy.

Silver symbolizes the spiritual energy of intelligence, silver color in the aura, denotes a person with the power of sharpness and speed of thought.

Blue indicates someone is trying to find his spiritual truth, bright blue in the aura is usually scientists and artists. It indicates someone who is artistic at heart.

Turquoise (turquoise) is the energy of prosperity and good luck, a person with this color means having an open mind.

Pink (pink) is the color of joy, comfort and romance.

Green is considered the color of renewal or order. Green is a color that soothes restlessness, light green signifies sympathy, apple green indicates new spiritual development.

Yellow this color brings the power of concentration, associated with intellect. Optimistic people have yellow in their aura, yellow signifies a healthy body, mind and intellect.

Orange that is owned by someone shows that they have strong motivation, enthusiasm and good organizational skills, this energy also shows a passionate spirit or ambition.

Red is the energy of life, it can also mean virtue, has understanding and can work with others, they don't give up easily.

Violet shows the person is calm and serene, the person has a balance inside and out, violet carries high spiritual power.

Purple means deep peace, very religious in kebatinan, also shows the ability to deal with practical and worldly things.

Indigo, this color gives inspiration and strength from within spirituality, this color is very extreme and rarely seen, people who have been able to awaken their own spirituality have succeeded in finding the highest meaning of spirituality.

Gray, the same as restless, moody and depressed.

Maroon, this shows a person who is full of lust, addicted to sex.

Avocado green, signifies dishonesty, this signifies a traitor and greed.

Dark brown, denotes a cruel and petty person, a collection of brown colors can mean a stingy person.

Black, is the lowest vibration of all colours., signifies hatred and malice,
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