Use the Formula to Listen to Music Through Earphones Doesn't Make You Deaf

Listening to music through earphones/headsets is a trend for young people. It's just that, pay attention to the volume so as not to damage the ears and cause hearing loss and deafness.

It was said by Dr. Damayanti Soetjipto, SpTHT-KL, Head of the National Commission for the Prevention of Hearing and Deafness Disorders (PGPKT), listening to music through earphones has indeed become one of the habits of teenagers and young adults today. To keep your ears healthy, use the 60 per 60 formula.

"So the maximum volume is 60 for left and right. Also choose earphones that have noise canceling and remember, the maximum limit for listening to music through earphones is one hour per day," said Dr Dama to reporters recently.

Also avoid using earphones to listen to music before bed. Doing so can damage the fine hair cells in the ear that deliver sound to the auditory nerve and brain.

"When you sleep, your brain rests, but your eardrum and hair cells are constantly exposed to loud noises from earphones. Over time, your hair cells can fall out and eventually experience hearing loss," he said.

According to WHO data when analyzing the music listening habits of people aged 12-35 years, almost 50 percent of them listen to music with a volume that exceeds the normal threshold. As many as 40 percent of people are exposed to sound at a volume that has the potential to damage the ears, especially in entertainment venues.

Quoted from Fox News, Dr. Sreekant Cherukuri of the University of Michigan School of Medicine Alumni Association suggests that teenagers who listen to music do not exceed the sound threshold of 80 decibels per day. If it's high decibels, rest your ears first.

"Then use the 60/60 principle, which is to listen to music with a maximum volume of 60 percent and every time you listen to music for 60 minutes, take a few minutes of rest," he said.

Also avoid using earphones to listen to music before bed. Doing so can damage the fine hair cells in the ear that deliver sound to the auditory nerve and brain.
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