Knowledge What is Motorized Vehicle Injector

Do you know what an injector is? Then what kind of shape and type? On this occasion you will find out all about the injectors on your vehicle.

The injector on a car or motorcycle is an actuator that functions as a door at the end of the injection system to release fuel from the system into the intake manifold chamber.

The function of the injector is to remove gasoline from the fuel line with a certain amount to replace the carburetor. While the carburetor on the injection engine is made simpler as the throttle body.

The working principle of the injector is to open the nozzle channel which is closed by the solenoid, then the fuel will come out by itself thanks to the high fuel pressure. During the suction stroke, there is a current from the ECM to the injector, so the solenoid pulls the injector needle and a hole arises as the fuel outlet. The length of time the solenoid opens affects the volume of gasoline that comes out to the intake.

In general, injectors have several types, including:

Single Point Injector

This type has one hole at the end of the injector, when it is open the gasoline will come out in this hole centrally.

Multi-Point Injectors,

For multi-point injectors, have a small hole around the tip of the injector. When the solenoid is working, the gasoline can come out in a diffuse manner. This type is used to produce a good level of homogeneity.

Gasoline Direct Injection

The last type has the same principle as a diesel engine because the injector is located in the combustion chamber. So the construction is specially made to withstand extreme temperatures. The advantage lies in better fuel efficiency.

What if there is a problem with the injector?

After you know about injectors and how they are made and how they work, maybe you are also wondering what if there is a problem with the injector? What will happen to your vehicle? The following are symptoms that appear when your vehicle's injectors have problems:

Engine Difficult to Start

The initial symptom when there is damage to the injector is the engine that is difficult to start. This symptom occurs when the fuel supplied from the injector is less than the ideal amount, resulting in a lean mixture.As a result, the engine is difficult to start during a cold start, especially because the gasoline settles on the walls of the intake manifold. Symptoms of difficult starting can indeed indicate a lot of problems, for this problem make sure to check the condition of the spark plug. If the ignition is not problematic then the cause is in the fuel system.

Frequently Brebet Machine

Injector damage can be in the form of insufficient injector opening ability so that only a small amount of gasoline can be supplied. When the engine is working, of course, unstable gasoline conditions will cause engine performance to be hampered.This resistance occurs especially when you drive the motor at high RPM because when the engine is at high RPM the supply of gasoline is needed more than usual.

The Machine Often Stops Suddenly

When the condition of the injector gets worse, the impact has an impact on the solenoid which sometimes opens and sometimes closes. When the solenoid is closed, it is the same as cutting off the flow of fuel, so that even though the engine is smooth at first, the engine can die suddenly. When turned on, usually the engine is still able to live but a few moments later the engine will turn off again.

More Concentrated Exhaust

Good exhaust smoke is colorless smoke because it shows a more complete engine combustion. However, when the injector bursts or cannot meet, the gasoline supply will continue, causing a mixture. As a result, the motor will glow with black smoke accompanied by the smell of gasoline from the exhaust.

Engine Strikes and Unable to Start

Finally, if the injector is completely damaged, then it can no longer release gasoline so the engine will not be able to start.

If there is damage, especially in the injector, then you need to check whether the gasoline reaches the combustion chamber. Checking can be done by opening the spark plug. If you find the spark plug dry then the fuel system is indeed a problem. But if the problem is with the spark plug, the spark plug electrode should be wet.

Those are some things you can understand about injectors. Take care of your vehicle. If necessary, bring your vehicle regularly to be checked at your subscription repair shop so that the lifespan of your vehicle is maximized.
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