List of Most Expensive Smartphones, studded with diamonds

List of Most Expensive Smartphones, studded with diamonds, super advanced security

At the beginning of its appearance, the mobile phone is here to meet the needs of communication. However, over time, mobile phones are no longer just a means of communication but also support various other activities, such as work.

And now, we are in the era of mobile phones began to be used as a symbol of social status. Cellphones are no longer present to meet the needs of their users, but to show off wealth with several cellphones even at exorbitant prices.

Here's a row of expensive phones in 2022 with prices that make you gawk, as reported by the YouTube show The Luxury Archetypes.

1. Vertu Signature Cobra

Vertu Signature Cobra is the result of a collaboration between Nokia and the French jewelry company, Bucheron. As the name implies, this phone has a cobra ornament on its side.

Not only cobra ornaments made of expensive jewelry, Vertu Signature Cobra is also decorated with gems, white gold, emeralds and rubies. Everything is priced at US $ 310 thousand.

2. Goldvish Revolution

This luxury phone was designed by a Swedish company, Goldvish. Goldvish Revolution breaks all the traditional looks of the phone by removing the square design into a rounded shape.

Goldvish Revolution is plated with diamonds, gold, and sapphire glass. To be able to get this one luxury phone, you need to redeem it for US $ 488 thousand.

3. Gresso Las Vegas Jackpot

Gresso Las Vegas Jackpot combines gold with black diamonds which are notoriously very expensive. This phone also uses premium wood from Africa.

The Gresso Las Vegas Jackpot is only available in three units in the world, making it a very rare item. For the price itself, it makes you gawk, reaching US $ 1 million.

4. Goldvish Le Million

Goldvish is known as a maker of rare luxury items. One of them is the Goldvish Le Million which is plated with 18 carat white gold and 120 carat diamonds. This one phone there are only three units in the world. Makes it very expensive.

5. Diamond Crypto Smartphone

Diamond Crypto Smartphone is one of the most expensive mobile phones in the world ever released. The phone is made of pure platinum with the home button and logo made of rose gold.

Diamond Crypto Smartphone is studded with diamonds on it and has super advanced security features. Regarding the price, it is priced at US $ 1.3 million.

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