Tive Marketing Techniques to Increase Sales

Tive Marketing Techniques to Increase Sales

1. Know Your Target Market

Before doing marketing techniques, the thing you have to do is to know and master your target market first, do research as well who will be your target market.

The more specific your target market is, the greater your chances of success. An example of a marketing technique for a business that operates in the clothing section of teen girls.

So what you have to do in marketing techniques is to target your market with the adjustment of teenagers who are still in school and clothing sizes that are 12-18 years old.

2. Set Product Prices Correctly

One example of a product marketing technique that is quite crucial is to set a product price and adjust it to the quality of the product and the competitor's market.

Setting a low price is certainly something that is very much in demand, but consumers will also consider the quality. Therefore, do not hesitate to set a high price as long as the quality of the product is guaranteed.

3. Choose a Strategic Place

Choosing a strategic place is a marketing technique that you should consider carefully. Because the possibility of the product you have will be seen clearly and of course will trigger higher sales as well.

In choosing a strategic place, it must also adjust to the target target and the ease with which consumers can reach it. For example, opening a business that sells every need and equipment for boarding children, then choose a place that is near the campus or school area so that your product is likely to sell quickly and be seen.

4. Practice Word of Mouth Marketing

This direct marketing technique can be done by word of mouth. This is done by communicating directly with consumers.

If you have promoted the product and consumers are interested in buying and trying the product, the consumer will notify other consumers who have the potential to buy the product.

Of course this technique is needed by every businessman, which aims to make the product known to the wider community and of course to get a lot of consumers.

5. Use Social Media

By using product marketing techniques through social media, companies can establish transactions widely with various groups, and also at low costs and high visibility or visibility.

Therefore, the existence of social media today is very important to do as a means of promoting your business products. Examples of marketing techniques on a social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and others.

Besides being able to connect many people in the world, social media can also give you the opportunity to get bigger profits by increasing the opportunity to get new consumers.

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