Advantages and Weaknesses of the Timing Chain, Back to Being a Mainstay in New Cars

In the combustion system in the engine, rotation between the piston, intake valve and exhaust valve is carried out in harmony with the help of a timing belt or timing chain. Because of the advantages in terms of durability, the timing chain made of iron is again a mainstay in new cars.

This section connects the rotation of the crankshaft shaft (flywheel / pendulum) and the camshaft shaft (noken axle). The technology is relatively simple and durable so it is also used on two wheels.

Now in modern cars it is rather rare to use a timing belt, almost most manufacturers are back to using a timing chain. The reason is obvious because the service life is more durable, so only a few still maintain the timing belt. Timing chains are designed to be durable and reliable over the long term compared to timing belts.

Timing Chain Does Not Require Routine Maintenance

One of the main advantages of this component is that it does not require routine maintenance. The timing chain is designed to last a long time and not wear out easily, so it does not require periodic replacement like a timing belt.

This component can be used for hundreds of thousands of kilometers. As long as the level of slack is within the tensioner's tolerance limits, its performance continues to be maintained optimally.

However, it is important to keep checking the condition of the timing chain regularly and perform preventive maintenance, such as checking for tension and proper lubrication, to ensure optimal performance.

Chains are more capable of heavy work

The next advantage is that it can be installed on machines that have powerful characteristics and mid-high RPM. Metal materials can handle higher engine workloads and higher temperatures.

Metal material has less risk of power loss and better accuracy in turning the camshaft to open and close the valve. This risk of sagging can be overcome by the lift tensioner.

Timing Chain Weaknesses

Steel chains are relatively stronger than rubber belts. However, in its implementation, the use of the keteng chain was replaced with a timing belt.

Looking at the material construction, the chain is indeed stronger than the rubber belt, but that doesn't mean it's flawless.

If the keteng chain is damaged, it is more troublesome to replace. The mechanic had to dismantle the engine head and several gears to remove the keteng chain.

Damage usually occurs to teeth or gears that are worn out, or the keteng chain is too stretched. In some cases, the engine sound becomes rougher due to the effect of the timing chain being loose when rotating.

A keteng chain that is loose due to wear does not really affect the engine power produced. But because the keteng chain is loose, over time it can come off the gear or track.
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