Photo of Beautiful IDF Soldiers (Israel Defense Forces)

"Why do you want to be beautiful, be a soldier?" It could be a stupid question that comes up when you see these photos. Definitely not the army in Indonesia.

In Indonesia, female soldiers have their hair tied up when they enter military service, while the soldiers in this photo are left with long hair as they are. After all, hair is a woman's crown.

But it will be even worse when you find out that this is actually Israeli soldiers, some of whom are guarding the Gaza border. As women, they are at the forefront of the war against Hamas as IDF (Israel Defense Forces) troops.

"Honey, how beautiful are you, Jew?" It must have been another stupid question. Ah well, let it go. As for military service in this country, it seems that it is not only for men, but also for women.

I don't know what these beautiful troops did to the Hamas militia. Offer yourself to be a prisoner of war? Fighting or flirting? Catch me if you can. Off course don't be ridiculous, if you're scatterbrain, I'm no doubt to kill you! That could be the strategy.

What's clear is that they really are soldiers, not models:



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