Google Chat Google Duo video calls without lag and save quota

Google designed Duo for speed and durability. It is hoped that users can enjoy a connection without lag or fail to connect because a drop connection such as the current Video Call application technology can stop suddenly

It may look like a P2P network, but this one is used for communication. The rest is managed from the Google Duo software system. The Duo application can adjust changes in the speed of the internet network used during video calls. Google provides the feature for phones only, and video calls can be turned off.

One other feature, Duo technology will be encrypted directly from the caller and the recipient of the phone. Leave a video or voice message for the caller if you don't have time to pick up.

Google improves the features of Duo, a communication app by combining Google Duo and Google Meet.

Initially, there was a consideration that Google would remove the Duo service so as not to intersect with Google Met. Technically Duo is still there.

Google Duo and Google Meet will be combined in one application. Easier to collaborate, communicate between family, friends and colleagues. Meet to Duo features, such as a video meeting schedule system, are easier, as well as easy to access.

From the system, the merging of the two services makes it easier for the Google team to manage and develop. Google has ensured that Duo with video chat services will continue to exist, including services for calls by phone number or email.

Once the merger is complete, Google Duo will receive the new features. Virtual background when video conference or video call, content with participant interaction, participants increased from 32 people to 100 people.

And it integrates with other Google services such as Gmail, Calendar, Assistant, Messenger and others. The clash between Duo's services actually occurred in 2016, when Duo and Allo appeared. Allo closed in 2019, but Duo is still successful for internet users because it is simple.

Google Meet also intersects with Hangouts Meet.

Video conferencing service application and integrated with Hangouts. Hangouts closed, Google Meet continues for business services.

Meet is becoming an alternative to the Zoom service, and users are increasing during the pandemic. That's one of the reasons both of them are maintained. Google Duo has been installed on 5 billion devices, because of one package with the Android license agreement.

On June 28, 2022, new news Hangout users can move to the new Google Chat. Hangout users will get a message in the app, to switch to Google Chat.
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