Hurry up! Mining CoinX (CNX) The future of Crypto

CoinX (CNX) The future of Crypto

It's very easy and cheap to mine cryptocurrencies, you only need an Android smartphone, but first, let's know the following things:


Coin-X (CNX) is building a payment system where cryptocurrency is used as a payment method in the real economy, based on our own developed blockchain technology. We are developing several platforms that we will link on the LX network with Coin-X as the payment system.

Mobile App

In the Coin-X promotion phase, we are giving users the opportunity to mine CNX coins for free on the Coin-X Miner App. This is for a limited time only and a limited number of people. Each coin earned during a mining session has a unique encrypted code that is stored on the Blockchain.


The Coin-X Blockchain is a peer-to-peer network of computers and servers known as 'nodes' that participate in and monitor the transfer of information and assets. Each transfer is recorded on each user's computer. Nodes for computers will be available with the launch of the CoinX Wallet. Follow our topics and announcements for more information in the app.

Road Map

These are brief points. You can see our goals here. The detailed version will be shared in the in-app News Topic.

By mining CNX, you get free coins for a limited time. Every coin you earn during the mining session will be stored with a unique code on the Blockchain.

CoinX only accepts 5,000,000 active miners on the network. After that, the user may have the opportunity to enter the waiting list. At one point CNX will be available for trading, so do not buy or Earn Coins through other Apps and Websites.

Enjoy being a part of the Crypto Revolution for free!

Download at: Coin X or Google Play

To register you need an installation code, use the referral code to boost: pisbon123

Hurry up! Just a limited amount of people can mine.
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1 comment

  1. ok let go minimg cnx crypto i like that
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