How Artificial Intelligence (IA) Works And Collects Data Through Computers

Artificial Intelligence (IA) is the ability of computers to mimic the ability of the human brain to solve problems and perform intelligent tasks. However, the way IA works on a computer is actually very different from how the human brain works.

IA in computers works by using complex algorithms and mathematical models to analyze data and make predictions or decisions based on the patterns found in the data. This process is often referred to as "machine learning" or machine learning, which is a branch of AI.

To make IA on a computer work, the steps that are common are:

Data collection: Data is key in machine learning. Data must be collected and stored in a format accessible to computers.

Data pre-processing: Collected data needs to be processed before it can be used for machine learning. This step includes cleaning the data from noise or irrelevant data, changing the data format to suit the needs of the algorithm, and dividing the data into training data sets and test data sets.

Algorithm selection: There are many algorithms that can be used in machine learning, such as linear regression, SVM (Support Vector Machine), or Artificial Neural Networks. Algorithm selection must be adjusted to the type of data and machine learning goals.

Model training: Once the algorithm is selected, the next step is to train the model using the training data set. During training, the model will try to find patterns in the data and improve itself based on the training results.

Model testing: After the model has been trained, it must be tested against a test data set. The test results will show how accurate the model is in predicting or making decisions.

Model improvement: If the model is not sufficiently accurate, the next step is to improve the model by changing the algorithm parameters or using a larger and more diverse training data set.

In conclusion, the way IA in computers works involves data collection, data pre-processing, algorithm selection, model training, model testing, and model improvement. All these steps are performed using complex mathematical algorithms and models to make predictions or intelligent decisions based on the patterns found in the data.

How IA Collects Data

Artificial Intelligence (IA) is a technology that enables computers to mimic the ability of the human brain to solve problems and perform intelligent tasks. One of the key elements of IA is its ability to collect data.

Here are some ways IA can collect data:

Scrapping Data: One of the best ways to collect data is to retrieve data that is readily available on the internet. This process is known as web scraping. This technique involves extracting data from a website or database and storing it in a format accessible to a computer.

Use of Sensors: To collect data on a large scale, IA can use sensors. Sensors can be attached to objects or devices and transmit data continuously to the computer. Sensors can collect data such as temperature, humidity, position, pressure, speed and more.

Collection of Data from Customers: In some cases, IA may collect data directly from customers via forms, questionnaires or surveys. This data can be used to develop models that suit customer preferences and needs.

Database Usage: IA may collect data from publicly available databases. Databases such as Wikipedia, news archives and government websites are useful sources of data.

Using Existing Data: IA can make use of previously collected data. This data can be used to train IA models and make predictions.

Business Partnerships: IA may collect data from business partners or third parties. The resulting data can be used to train IA models and make more accurate predictions.

In conclusion, IA can collect data from various sources such as web scraping, sensors, collection of data from customers, database usage, existing data, and business partnerships. Data collection is an important element of IA because data is the raw material that systems need to learn and make intelligent decisions.

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